Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pursuit of Happiness - Done !

Finally. I achieve. A long hard fought battle. And I win. I get to do justice to my previous blog . Persist, and you win. I am flying to the United States on the 26th of December. There is a whole big list of people I would want to thank. And I will in detail in my next blog. This blog is only to tell you people that am the happiest person on earth at present. Two reasons, One : Am going to the states , Two : Someone I liked, respected and cared genuinely and never realised is back in my life. This time I will not repeat the same mistake. I promise the world that.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Persist and you are Numero Uno

What a fantastic Sunday morning it was ! Ask any cricket lover, and they would agree. India is the number One test team in the world. Dhoni's devils had a point to prove and boy did they do it in style. I remember reading "The Times of India" on January 1, 2009 in which the sports page read something like this "NEW YEAR RESOLUTION - NUMBER ONE TEAM IN THE WORLD." And lo and behold, December 6, 2009, India is the number One.

Persistence was one quality that was most visible in this magnificent team. It took them a whole 12 months to get to number One from number Three. Controversies, Failures, Criticisms and Responsibilities all breathing down their neck and still this team comes out on top. Persistence, once again. Shows you something, doesn't it ? To win, you have to let go of your temporary failures and not fret too much on them. But yes, take the positives out of them. And am no expert in all this. But that is what I feel I should be doing right now. Persist. And surely, victory should come to me soon.

It hurt the past few months when I could see everyone moving up the ladder and I remain stagnant. But then I happened to read a quote stating "Learn that it is not good to compare."  Of course,the Indian team never compared itself to Australia did it ? India was India. And maybe that helped the team scale the summit. Going through such a phase only helped me. It helped me realise my values, my people and what I want to do. Rest assured, no matter how many failures creep up, its time I go kiss the world. Cheers :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Stable phase

Promises never fulfilled. Ya. I promised myself I would blog more often. But it didn't happen. Anyway, I ...I guarantee that I shall blog regularly.

Back to square one, back to where I was on June 10th. The only thing is am more hopeful this time. Hey but that is only regarding my career. Personally, a lot of changes have been made. All for the good. Made much cooler friends. Few old, many new. All seem to be genuine. Its surprising how you can distinguish fake from genuine the moment you see something genuine.

Today something happened, someone told me something that made me feel real good. This was how the conversation went on --

SOMEONE : You look real scary. Whats with that display pic of yours ??
ME : I thought I look cool. I Don't ??
SOMEONE : NO. You look like a "wanted terrorist" !!
ME : You are not the first person saying that. Anyway, you want me to change it ??
SOMEONE : Ahan. Chill if you are doing it only for me. Not needed
ME: I will change it soon.
SOMEONE : I never knew terrorists look cute :P .

Strange conversation isn't it ??? And you must be wondering if I've gone crazy by posting crazy things. Nope. It really felt nice when she said the last sentence . It seriously did :) .

See you soon again.